
Wel­come to Mor­gan Car­riage Works! We are one of the lead­ing car­riage sup­ply and restora­tion com­pa­nies on the west coast. Please enjoy our web site and if you have any ques­tions give us a call.

At Mor­gan Car­riage Works we offer one stop shop­ping for all your horse drawn vehi­cle needs. We have an inven­to­ry of parts, wheels, and har­ness­es as well as carts and wag­ons. We have over 30 years of expe­ri­ence work­ing with car­riages. We do every­thing from small repairs to com­plete restorations. 


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Morgan Carriage Works

250 Riverside Rd.
Oak View, CA 93022
tel: 805.649.1723