

Coson Car­riage Collection
by Tom Ryder
Pre­sen­ta­tion of a spec­tac­u­lar pri­vate col­lec­tion: twowheel­ers to coach­es, bug­gies, stage­coach­es, and sleighs.
Soft­cov­er in hard slip cov­er, 176 pages, color.

Hitch Wag­ons for City Driving
com­piled by the CMA Library
Pro­fuse­ly illus­trat­ed book with all kinds of horse-drawn com­mer­cial wag­ons used for deliveries.
Soft­cov­er, 393 pages, b/w.

Horse-Drawn Car­riages & Sleighs: Ele­gant vehi­cles from New Eng­land and New Brunswick
by Richard Wilbur and Peter Dickinson
This book describes and illus­trates more than fifty “ele­gant vehi­cles from New Eng­land and New Brunswick.”
Soft­cov­er, 72 pages, color.

Horse-Drawn Com­mer­cial Vehicles
by Don Berkebile
Focus­es on how a vehicle’s served its spe­cif­ic purposes
and needs. Soft­cov­er, 160 pages, b/w.

Horse-Drawn Mail Vehicles
by James H. Bruns
This pic­to­r­i­al scrap­book is divid­ed into three sec­tions: over­land vehi­cles, urban postal vehi­cles, and rur­al freede­liv­ery vehicles.
Soft­cov­er, 72 pages, b/w.

Horse-Drawn Mil­i­tary, Civil­ian, Vet­eri­nary Ambulances
com­piled by the CMA Library
Cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics relat­ed to horse-drawn ambu­lances: hors­es, ambu­lances, and mil­i­tary history.
Soft­cov­er, 370 pages, b/w.

Plain Bug­gies
by Stephen Scott
Acces­si­ble in style, this book presents the most com­plete work on the trans­porta­tion modes of the “plain peo­ple” pub­lished to date. Includes details on prices, styles, laws, and stories.
Soft­cov­er, 96 pages, b/w.

Building & Restoring

Con­ser­va­tion and Restora­tion of Horse-drawn Vehicles
by the CMA Library
This clas­sic con­tains detailed infor­ma­tion on the cor­rect way to pre­serve a horse-drawn vehi­cle, and a list of resources.
Soft­cov­er, 230 pages, b/w.

Wheel­mak­ing: Wood­en Wheel Design and Construction
com­piled by the CMA Library
A com­pi­la­tion of arti­cles on wheel­mak­ing, from 19thcent.
trade jour­nals. Soft­cov­er, 245 pages, b/w.

Driving & Training

Break­ing a Horse to Harness
by Sal­lie Walrond
Step-by-step guide, com­ple­ment­ed by many photos.
Hard­cov­er, 136 pages, b/w.

Car­riage Turnouts
pub­lished by the CAA
This book­let com­bines the orig­i­nal text and images from the CAA’s clas­sic Car­riage Turnouts and Appoint­ments book with near­ly all the images from the CAA’s Car­riage Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Chart.
Soft­cov­er, 72 pages, b/w.

Com­pe­ti­tion Car­riage Dri­ving (1982)
by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Cov­ers his­to­ry, train­ing, prepar­ing for com­pe­ti­tion, equip­ment, var­i­ous breeds, and event management.
Hard­cov­er, 110 pages, b/w.

Dri­ve Smart­ly … Dri­ve Safely
pub­lished by the CAA
Caus­es and avoid­ance of accidents.
Soft­cov­er, 16 pages, b/w.

Dri­ving a Har­ness Horse
by Sal­lie Walrond
A step-by-step guide.This book was pro­duced as a sta­ble-mate to the author’s Break­ing a Horse to Harness.
Hard­cov­er, 192 pages, col­or & b/w.

Dri­ving and Judg­ing Dressage
by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Designed to help beginners.
Soft­cov­er, 63 pages, col­or and b/w.

Dri­ving a Tandem
by Paul Doliveux
Ele­gant turnout requires spe­cial har­ness and a dif­fer­ent dri­ving tech­nique. This book also cov­ers tan­dem dri­ving, com­pe­ti­tion, and showing.
Hard­cov­er, 153 pages, col­or and b/w.

Dri­ving Do’s and Don’ts
by Sal­lie Walrond
Com­mon­sense advice on a wide range of topics.
Soft­cov­er, 24 pages, color.

Dri­ving Ques­tions Answered
by Sal­lie Walrond
More com­mon­sense advice and solu­tions to com­mon prob­lems, in addi­tion to cor­rect fit for both horse and driver.
Soft­cov­er, 24 pages, color.

Essen­tial Guide to Car­riage Driving
by Robyn Cuf­fey & Jaye-Alli­son Winkel
A prac­ti­cal guide to the sport of car­riage driving.
Soft­cov­er, 147 pages, b/w.

Judg­ing Car­riage Driving
by Sal­lie Walrond
The author explains the judg­ing of every con­ceiv­able class, includ­ing carts, coach­es, don­keys, junior whips, dis­abled dri­vers, and horse dri­ving tri­als. The judg­ing sys­tems of the USA, Aus­tralia, New Zealand, and Eng­land are covered.
Soft­cov­er, 118 pages, b/w.

Putting-To a Pair
by Car­o­line Dou­glas & Sophie Adkins
A detailed guide to the most effi­cient method of har­ness­ing and putting-to a pair safe­ly, correctly.
Soft­cov­er, 24 pages, color.


Under­stand­ing Harness
by Barb Lee
This book cov­ers the fun­da­men­tals of har­ness, bal­anced draft, mechan­ics of col­lars, collar/vehicle com­bi­na­tions, and turnout.
Soft­cov­er, 55 pages, b/w.


The Roy­al Mews
by Mary Stewart-Wilson
A behind-the-scenes account of the car­riages, hors­es, har­ness, liv­ery, and cars of the Roy­al Mews, Buckingham
Palace. Hard­cov­er, 192 pages, b/w.

All About Long Reining
The Allen Pho­to­graph­ic Series
Cov­ers the equip­ment used, describes rein han­dling and basic tech­nique, and pro­gress­es to improv­ing the horse’s balance.
24 pages, Soft­cov­er, color.

Mak­ing Mod­el Horse-Drawn Vehicles
Author: John Thompson
3rd edi­tion, includes choice of mate­ri­als, tools, fit­tings, struc­ture of a wheel, sources. Excel­lent resource.
96 pages, b/w illus­tra­tions and pho­tographs, softcover

Amer­i­can Horse-drawn Vehicles
Author: Jack D. Rittenhouse